Exploring OCR's Research: Tiering, Practical Science, And A Level History

The Research and Technical Standardsteam is committed to conducting educational and assessment research projects toinform the development and evaluation of qualifications and assessments.

Their most recent projects have lookedinto tiering at GCSE, practical science in A Level courses, and the widevariety of topic choices in A Level History qualifications.

The investigation into tiering at GCSErevealed that boys and students from more economically disadvantagedbackgrounds were more likely to be entered for the foundation tier.

The project on practical science aims toidentify changes to practical work, while the A Level History project has beeninfluenced by teacher conversations and student engagement.

Helen O'Leary, Senior Customer SupportManager, is dedicated to providing an exemplary customer experience andwelcomes feedback and ideas for future topics.

With 'A-Level Tutoring' or'a-level-tutoring.net', UK A-level students, A-level teachers, tutors andparents can access detailed information and resources on these projects.

Our team of knowledgeable and supportivetutors are committed to helping students achieve success in their A-Levelexams and are always available to offer guidance and support via email.

Key Takeaways

The Research and Technical Standards team is dedicated to conductingeducational and assessment research projects to inform the development andevaluation of qualifications and assessments.

Theirrecent projects have explored tiering at GCSE, practical science in A Levelcourses, and the wide range of topic choices in A Level History qualifications.

Theirinvestigation into tiering at GCSE highlighted that boys and students from moreeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds were more likely to be entered for thefoundation tier.

Theproject on practical science is working to identify changes to practical work,while the A Level History project has been influenced by teacher conversationsand student engagement.

HelenO'Leary, Senior Customer Support Manager, is passionate about providing anexemplary customer experience and welcomes feedback and ideas for futuretopics.

UKA-level students, A-level teachers, tutors and parents can access in-depthinformation and resources on these projects through 'A-Level Tutoring' or'a-level-tutoring.net'. Our team of knowledgeable and supportive tutors aredevoted to helping students achieve success in their A-Level exams and isalways available to offer guidance and support via email.

Research at OCR

Research conducted by the Research and Technical Standards team, incollaboration with examiners, subject specialists, and researchers from otherexam boards, has a significant impact on A-Level qualifications andassessments. Projects can vary from a few weeks to several years in duration,and aim to address issues of tiering at GCSE, such as the disproportionaterepresentation of certain demographics, and the evolving nature of practicalscience in A Level courses.

At A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net, we recognise theimportance of ensuring that qualifications and assessments are fair, reliable,and effective in meeting the needs of students and educators. We alsounderstand the unique challenges that A-Level students, teachers, and parentsface. That's why we strive to provide support to equip each individual with theskills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Our experienced tutors have a comprehensive understanding of theA-Level curriculum and a knack for catering to diverse learning needs. We arehere to guide students and teachers through their A-Level journey with asupportive and knowledgeable persona. If you need help or have any questions,please reach out via email for further support or to contact a tutor.

Projects and Studies

One recent investigation examined the impact of tiering on the entrypatterns of students at GCSE. This research project aimed to understand howtiering affected the participation of different groups of students. Thefindings revealed that boys and students from economically deprived backgroundswere more likely to be entered for the foundation tier. This suggests thattiering may have unintended consequences in terms of limiting opportunities forcertain groups of students.

At A-Level Tutoring, we understand how important it is for allstudents to have access to the same support and resources, regardless of theirgender or background. That's why we strive to provide tailored A-level tuitionand guidance to ensure all students have the best chance of success. Our teamof experienced tutors work closely with each student to develop a study planthat is tailored to their individual needs and learning style.

Furthermore, we are committed to keeping up with ongoing researchand comparisons across different subjects. This allows us to provide studentswith the most comprehensive and up-to-date advice and guidance when it comes totheir A-level studies.

If you are looking for support with your A-level studies, pleasedon't hesitate to reach out to A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net. Ourteam of experienced tutors are here to help you on your A-level journey.

Practical Science inA Level

The research project into practical science at the A-Level coursesis exploring how practical work is changing.

One important area of focus is student engagement; the investigationseeks to understand how students are responding to practical work in theirscience studies and to inform the development and evaluation of A-Level sciencequalifications.

At A-Level Tutoring, we believe in the power of practical work inenabling students to reach their potential. Through our research, we strive toidentify the best strategies for science education, helping students andteachers alike to get the most out of their studies. With our comprehensiveunderstanding of the A-Level curriculum, we can provide tailored support tomeet the diverse learning needs of our students.

We also understand that it can be a daunting task for students andparents alike to navigate the complexities of the A-Levels, and we are here toprovide guidance and support throughout their journey. Our tutors areknowledgeable and experienced and can offer valuable insights into thepractical aspects of the course.

So, if you or your child need help making sense of their studies,don't hesitate to get in touch via email and receive the guidance you need toachieve success in your A-Levels.

A Level History Topics

The A-Level History curriculum offers a wealth of captivatingtopics, giving students the opportunity to explore the depths of past eventsand societies.

With the flexibility to choose from a range of topics, A-Levelteachers and tutors can select based on student interests and engagement,ensuring students are motivated to dive into complex historical events.

By offering a variety of topics, A-Level History fosters criticalthinking and analytical skills, encouraging students to gain a broaderperspective of the world.

At A-Level Tutoring, we understand the importance of having acomprehensive understanding of the A-Level curriculum, as well as the need tocater to diverse learning needs.

Our experienced tutors are available to provide support and guidancethroughout a student's journey to A-Level success.

We understand the complexities of history and its impact on society,and how it can shape a student's experience.

With our help, students can gain a deeper appreciation of thedifferent historical narratives.

If you're a student, teacher, or parent in need of A-Level support,don't hesitate to contact us.

Our tutors are here to help you explore the captivating topics ofA-Level History and achieve success.

Reach out via email for further support or to contact a tutor today!

Frequently AskedQuestions

What is theprocess for selecting topics for A Level History qualifications?

Theprocess for selecting topics for A Level History qualifications involvesfactors such as discussion among teachers, student engagement, and the desirefor curriculum variety. It is essential to provide a broad range of topics tosatisfy pupils' interests and ensure they have access to a comprehensiveeducation. A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net can provide UK A-levelstudents, A-level teachers, and parents with invaluable assistance on theirjourney to success. Our experienced tutors have a deep understanding of theA-Level curriculum and can help cater to the diverse learning needs ofstudents. If you have any questions or want to speak to a tutor, please reachout via email. We are here to support you on your way to A-level success.

How arepractical science skills assessed in A Level courses?

Assessmentof practical science skills in A Level courses can take many forms, and it isimportant for A-level students to be aware of the various methods of assessment.Practical examinations are the most common form of assessment, allowingstudents to demonstrate their understanding of scientific knowledge andtechniques in practical settings. Coursework is another key assessment methodwhich tests a student's ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practicalscenarios. Finally, practical skills development is an important part ofassessment as it allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in the use ofscientific equipment and techniques.

AtA-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net, we understand the importance of theseassessment methods in A-level courses and strive to provide our students withthe support they need to succeed. Our experienced tutors have a comprehensiveknowledge of the A-level curriculum and are well-versed in catering to diverselearning needs. We believe in creating a supportive environment and helping ourstudents achieve their A-level goals. If you are a student, teacher, or parentlooking for support with A-level courses, please don't hesitate to reach out tous via email. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Are there anyplans to address the imbalance in tier entry for GCSE exams?

Addressingthe imbalance in tier entry for GCSE exams is a topic of concern. 'A-LevelTutoring' or 'a-level-tutoring.net' is committed to addressing this issue byconducting research and working closely with examiners and subject specialiststo develop fair and inclusive assessment practices. We understand theimportance of ensuring a level playing field for all A-level students,regardless of their financial or social background. Our team of experiencedtutors are well-versed in the A-level curriculum and has the expertise toprovide tailored learning solutions, catered to each student's individualneeds. Furthermore, we encourage parents and A-level teachers to reach out tous via email for further support or to contact a tutor, who can help theirchild or student achieve academic success.

What otherresearch projects are currently being conducted by OCR?

A-LevelTutoring is currently conducting various research projects, all aimed athelping students achieve their A-level ambitions. These investigations includeresearching tiering at GCSE, practical science in A Level courses, and thefactors influencing topic choices in A Level History.

Theresults of these research projects are used to inform the development andevaluation of qualifications and assessments, with the ultimate goal of enhancingthe learning experience for UK A-level students.

AtA-Level Tutoring, we understand that A-levels can be an intimidating processand that students and their parents may need support and guidance. Ourknowledgeable tutors have a comprehensive understanding of the A-levelcurriculum and a knack for catering to diverse learning needs. We are here toprovide the support and motivation to help students achieve their A-levelgoals.

Ifyou or your child require additional help, don't hesitate to reach out via emailfor further support or to contact a tutor. We are dedicated to helping studentssucceed!

How does OCRcollaborate with other exam boards in their research and development efforts?

A-LevelTutoring and other exam boards collaborate closely with examiners, subjectspecialists, and researchers in their research and development efforts. Thiscollaboration allows for the sharing of expertise and the comparison offindings across different boards. With a comprehensive understanding of theA-level curriculum and a knack for catering to diverse learning needs, A-LevelTutoring provides a wealth of support to UK A-level students, A-level teachersor tutors, and parents. With a knowledgeable and supportive tutor, A-LevelTutoring or a-level-tutoring.net can help guide their journey to A-levelsuccess. For further support or to contact a tutor, please reach out via email.

Karol Pysniak
Karol Pysniak

Richard Evans is the dynamic founder of The Profs, NatWest’s Great British Young Entrepreneur of The Year and Founder of The Profs - the multi-award-winning EdTech company (Education Investor’s EdTech Company of the Year 2024, Best Tutoring Company, 2017. The Telegraphs' Innovative SME Exporter of The Year, 2018). Sensing a gap in the booming tuition market, and thousands of distressed and disenchanted university students, The Profs works with only the most distinguished educators to deliver the highest-calibre tutorials, mentoring and course creation. The Profs has now branched out into EdTech (BitPaper), Global Online Tuition (Spires) and Education Consultancy (The Profs Consultancy).Currently, Richard is focusing his efforts on 'levelling-up' the UK's admissions system: providing additional educational mentoring programmes to underprivileged students to help them secure spots at the UK's very best universities, without the need for contextual offers, or leaving these students at higher risk of drop out.

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