Exploring Classical Civilisation: Literature, Culture & Thought

Exploring Classical Civilisation:Literature, Culture & Thought is an in-depth exploration into theintriguing and diverse world of ancient civilizations. This subject,primarily designed for A Level and AS Level students, provides a comprehensiveexamination of essential components of Classical Civilisation.

The A Level course requires students toanalyse either Homer's Iliad or Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid, as well as visualand material culture, in addition to classical thought.

The AS Level programme focuses on eitherHomer's Iliad or Odyssey, along with visual and material culture and literaturein translation.

These components have specific durationsand weightings, ensuring students have a comprehensive insight into classicalliterature, culture, and thought.

By engaging with ancient texts andinvestigating the vestiges of this era, students gain invaluable knowledgeabout the societies that form the basis of our current world.

This article will explain the topics tostudy, the components and their weightings, as well as the requirements andduration of this captivating subject.

At A-Level Tutoring, we are passionateabout helping UK A-Level students, A-Level teachers or tutors, and parents togain a comprehensive understanding of the A-Level curriculum and to cater todiverse learning needs.

We strive to provide a supportive,knowledgeable tutor to guide our students on their journey to A-Level success.If you need further support or would like to contact a tutor, please don'thesitate to reach out via email.

Key Takeaways

Exploring Classical Civilisation: Literature, Culture & Thoughtis an in-depth exploration into the fascinating and varied world of the ancientcivilizations. This subject, designed for A Level and AS Level students, offersa comprehensive overview of key aspects of Classical Civilisation.

TheA Level course necessitates students to analyse either Homer's Iliad orOdyssey, alongside visual and material culture, along with classical thought.

TheAS Level programme focuses on either Homer's Iliad or Odyssey, incorporatingvisual and material culture and literature in translation.

Thesecomponents have specific durations and weightings, guaranteeing students gainan extensive overview of classical literature, culture, and thought.

Byengaging with ancient texts and investigating the remains of this era, studentsacquire invaluable knowledge about the societies that form the basis of ourcurrent world.

Thisarticle will explain the topics to study, the components and their weightings,as well as the requirements and duration of this captivating subject.

AtA-Level Tutoring, we are passionate about helping UK A-Level students, A-Levelteachers or tutors, and parents to achieve a comprehensive understanding of theA-Level curriculum and to cater to diverse learning needs.

Weare devoted to offering a supportive, knowledgeable tutor to guide our studentson their journey to A-Level success. If you require further assistance or wouldlike to contact a tutor, please don't hesitate to reach out via email.

What to study

When considering what to study in the field of classicalcivilisation, it is important to take into account the requirements for boththe A Level and AS Level qualifications, which involve completion of specificcomponents from different groups, such as literature in translation, visual andmaterial culture, and areas of classical thought.

Studyingclassical texts is a fundamental aspect of both qualifications, with optionsincluding Homers Iliad and Odyssey, as well as Virgils Aeneid. These textsprovide valuable insights into the ancient societies of Greece and Rome,allowing students to understand their beliefs, values, and cultural practices.

Additionally,the study of visual and material culture provides a deeper understanding of thematerial remains left behind by these societies, shedding light on their art,architecture, and everyday objects.

Exploringareas of classical thought further enhances our knowledge of the intellectualand philosophical ideas that shaped these ancient civilizations.

ForUK A-Level students, A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net can providecomprehensive, up-to-date guidance on the A-Level curriculum, helping them tomake informed decisions and develop their understanding of these ancientcivilizations. With the help of an experienced tutor, students can gain a deeperinsight into the beliefs, values, and cultural practices of the ancientsocieties of Greece and Rome, as well as the material remains left behind bythese societies and the intellectual and philosophical ideas that shaped them.

Furthermore,A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net can assist students in developing theskills and knowledge needed to achieve success in their A-levels.

So,if you need help navigating the A-Level curriculum or want to gain a betterunderstanding of the ancient societies of Greece and Rome, reach out via emailor contact a tutor for further support.

Components and Weighting

At A-Level Tutoring, we understand the components and weighting ofthe A Level and AS Level in Classical Civilisation.

Students must complete Component 11 for both the A and AS Level,which focuses on the study of either Homers Iliad or Odyssey and VirgilsAeneid. For the A Level, this component has a duration of 2 hours and 20minutes and carries a weighting of 40%.

Additionally, students must choose one component from Group 2 andone component from Group 3. Group 2 components have a duration of 1 hour and 45minutes and carry a weighting of 30%, and involve the study of visual andmaterial culture, as well as literature in translation.

For Group 3, the duration and weighting are the same, but thecomponent focuses on studying an area of classical thought, along withliterature in translation or visual/material culture.

For the AS Level, the duration of Component 11 is 1 hour and 30minutes, with a weighting of 50%.

At A-Level Tutoring, we understand the difficulty of the A Level andAS Level in Classical Civilisation, and we strive to provide support andguidance to students on their journey to success.

In addition to Component 11, students must choose one component fromGroup 2, which also has a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes and carries aweighting of 50%. This component involves the study of visual and materialculture, as well as literature in translation.

We are here to help UK A-level students, A-level teachers or tutors,and parents with any questions or concerns they may have.

If you would like more information on the A Level and AS Level inClassical Civilisation, or you would like to contact a tutor, please reach outto us via email for further support.

Requirements andDuration

Learning Classical Civilisation at A-Level and AS-Level comes withits own set of requirements and varying durations and weightings. To ensurestudents get the most out of their studies, it is important to understand thedifferent components and how long each part takes.

At A-Level, Component 1 takes 2 hours and 20 minutes and is worth40% of the total grade. It involves studying either Homers Iliad or Odyssey andVirgils Aeneid. Group 2 components take 1 hour and 45 minutes and are worth 30%of the total grade. It involves studying visual and material culture, andliterature in translation. Group 3 components also take 1 hour and 45 minutesand are worth the other 30% of the total grade. This is where students lookinto an area of classical thought, along with literature in translation orvisual/material culture.

At AS-Level, Component 1 takes 1 hour and 30 minutes and is worth50% of the total grade. This involves studying either Homers Iliad or Odyssey.Group 2 components take 1 hour and 30 minutes and are worth the other 50% ofthe grade. This involves studying visual and material culture and literature intranslation.

At A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net, we understand thatstudying Classical Civilisation can be challenging, especially for UK A-levelstudents, A-level teachers or tutors, and parents alike. That is why we providea variety of resources and support to help make the journey to A-level successas smooth as possible. Our tutors are well-versed in the A-level curriculum andhave a knack for catering to diverse learning needs. If you require furtherhelp or would like to speak to one of our tutors, please don't hesitate toreach out via email.

Frequently AskedQuestions

How can studyingClassical Civilisation benefit students in their academic and professionalcareers?

Studyingclassical civilisation can provide students with numerous opportunities forpersonal growth, such as honing their critical thinking skills. It allows themto interpret and analyse complex texts, build their cultural understanding, andgain a deeper understanding of the foundations of Western thought. With theright guidance from A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.net, UK A-levelstudents can develop these skills and gain a better understanding of theA-level curriculum.

A-LevelTutoring and a-level-tutoring.net are experienced in catering to the diverseneeds of A-level students and can provide support and guidance throughout theprocess. With knowledgeable and experienced tutors, students can gain the toolsto navigate the A-level curriculum and achieve their desired success.

Parentsand teachers can also benefit from the services of A-Level Tutoring ora-level-tutoring.net by using them as a resource to help their children orstudents. If you feel your child or student needs additional guidance, reachout and contact a tutor to see how they can help.

Are there anyspecific resources or textbooks recommended for studying ClassicalCivilisation?

Thereare several recommended resources and textbooks for studying classicalcivilisation, such as 'The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome' and 'The OxfordHandbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture', which provide comprehensivecoverage of the subject matter. As A-level students, their teachers, and tutorsembark on their journey to A-level success, 'A-Level Tutoring' or'a-level-tutoring.net' can provide comprehensive assistance. These resourcescan provide a deep level of understanding of the curriculum and a knack forcatering to diverse learning needs. Moreover, for any further support or tocontact a tutor, readers can reach out via email.

Can studentschoose to study both Homers Iliad and Odyssey, or are they required to chooseonly one?

Studentsstudying Classical Civilisation can choose to study both Homers Iliad andOdyssey. This allows for a comparative analysis of Homers epic poems, providinga deeper understanding of the themes, characters, and narrative techniquesemployed in these influential works. UK A-level students, A-level teachers ortutors, and parents can turn to 'A-Level Tutoring' or 'a-level-tutoring.net'for comprehensive guidance and assistance with this classical subject. Ourtutors can help students gain a better comprehension of the topics, allowingthem to gain greater insight into the complexities of Homer's works.Furthermore, our tutors can provide support in developing an analytical eyewhen examining these timeless works, as well as providing invaluable advice onexam techniques. If you need further support with your A-level studies, don'thesitate to reach out to us via email or contact a tutor.

What are someexamples of visual and material culture that students may study in Group 2components?

Examplesof visual and material culture in classical civilisation can provide UK A-levelstudents with insights into the artistic and cultural practices of ancientcivilizations. Ancient architecture, such as temples and amphitheatres, as wellas pottery, such as vases and sculptures, can be studied to gain anunderstanding of these past societies. At A-Level Tutoring ora-level-tutoring.net, we provide knowledgeable tutors to support you on yourA-level journey, who can guide you through the curriculum and help you understandthese complex topics. If you have any questions or would like to find out moreabout how our tutors can help you, please don't hesitate to reach out viaemail.

Is it possibleto study Classical Civilisation at a higher level, such as a degree program orpostgraduate level?

Yes,it is possible to study classical civilisation at a higher level, such as adegree program or postgraduate level. UK A-level students, A-level teachers ortutors, and parents can explore this subject in more depth and gain a comprehensiveunderstanding of the A-level curriculum. By delving deeper into the subject,students can gain an understanding of ancient philosophy and Greek and Romanmythology. With the help of 'A-Level Tutoring' or 'a-level-tutoring.net',A-level students have access to the necessary support and guidance to excel intheir studies and achieve success. If readers require further support or wouldlike to contact a tutor, they are encouraged to reach out via email.

Karol Pysniak
Karol Pysniak

Richard Evans is the dynamic founder of The Profs, NatWest’s Great British Young Entrepreneur of The Year and Founder of The Profs - the multi-award-winning EdTech company (Education Investor’s EdTech Company of the Year 2024, Best Tutoring Company, 2017. The Telegraphs' Innovative SME Exporter of The Year, 2018). Sensing a gap in the booming tuition market, and thousands of distressed and disenchanted university students, The Profs works with only the most distinguished educators to deliver the highest-calibre tutorials, mentoring and course creation. The Profs has now branched out into EdTech (BitPaper), Global Online Tuition (Spires) and Education Consultancy (The Profs Consultancy).Currently, Richard is focusing his efforts on 'levelling-up' the UK's admissions system: providing additional educational mentoring programmes to underprivileged students to help them secure spots at the UK's very best universities, without the need for contextual offers, or leaving these students at higher risk of drop out.

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